

Gardner Real Estate Market Pulse - Is it a Good Time to Buy or Sell in the Gardner, KS Zip Code 66030?

Gardner Real Estate Market Pulse

Is it a Good Time to Buy or Sell in the Gardner, KS Zip Code 66030?

Real Estate Stats for the Gardner, KS zip code 66030 for the past 7 days

Located in Gardner, KS, zip code 66030 has 8,930 housing units.  

According to the Heartland MLS, 5 homes hit the real estate in zip code 66030 in the past 7 days with an average list price of $369,000. During this same time period, 9 homes have gone under contract and 9 homes have sold. The average sales price has been $315,900.. 

In the past 7 days, 0 homes have been canceled, expired, or withdrawn from the Heartland MLS for the zip code 66030. 

The current absorption rate, the measure of supply and demand, is 4 days. This indicates that the zip code 66030 is experiencing a Strong Seller’s Market.

This means it is a GREAT time to SELL in Gardner, KS. zip code 66030.

 Thinking of selling your home in Gardner, KS zip code 66030? 

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