

About the Spring Hill, Kansas Zip Code 66083: Are you considering relocating to Spring Hill and want to know more about the area?

About the Spring Hill, Kansas Zip Code 66083:

Are you considering relocating to Spring Hill and want to know more about the area?

Spring Hill zip code 66083 is located South of Olathe along 169 Highway in Southern Johnson County, Kansas. The population of the Spring Hill zip code has grown 23.4% since 2010 to 9,870 people. The population is 1.6% of the population of Johnson County. The median age of Spring Hill zip code 66083 is 34 years, which is 4 years younger than the median age of Johnson County. The median household income for the Spring Hill zip code 66083 is $86,418 and the current unemployment rate is 1.7%.

Map of Spring Hill zip code 66083

The average person in Spring Hill zip code 66083 travels 24 minutes to work and enjoys 113 days of full sunshine a year. Spring Hill zip code 66083 averages 35 inches of rain a year and 18 inches of snow. 

AARP gives Spring Hill zip code 66083 a score of 54/100 on its livability index. The AARP Livability Index rates overall livability on a scale from 0 to 100. The index takes in these 7 factors: 

  1. Housing affordability and access

  2. Neighborhood access to life, work & play

  3. Transportation safety and convenience options

  4. Environment clean air and water

  5. Health prevention, access, and quality

  6. Engagement civic and social involvement 

  7. Opportunity inclusion and possibilities

Walk Score gives Spring Hill zip code 66083 a WalkScore of 33, which means that nearly every errand requires a vehicle. 

The median estimated home value has increased 16.6% in the past year in Spring Hill zip code 66083 to $345,000 and the medium age of homes is 26 years old, which is eleven years younger than the median age of homes in Johnson County. 85% of the houses are owned by owner-occupied while 15% are rentals.

Currently, there are 80 homes for sale in Spring Hill zip code 66083 with an average list price of $480,824. The average home has been on the market for 27 days.

In the past  30 days, 29 homes have sold in Spring Hill zip code 66083. This means the Spring Hill zip code 66083 real estate market has 2.75 months of real estate inventory (the number of listings for sale divided by the number of homes sold in the past month). Since there is less than 6 months' supply of homes for sale, the Spring Hill zip code 66083 real estate market is experiencing a Seller’s Market.

That is good news for homeowners thinking of selling because the real estate market is expected to change to a more balanced market with interest rates and real estate inventory increasing.

Real Estate links for Spring Hill zip code 66083:

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